May Faire is Wednesday, April 29th

May Faire Celebration

Current and incoming Journey School families and friends are cordially invited to join us on Wednesday, April 29th on the Journey School lawn to celebrate the beginning of spring.

Students: Please wear white and bring a small bouquet of flowers with stems to school on Wednesday morning.

Parents: Come early with blankets, umbrellas and easy-ups. Bring* nutritious and eco-friendly picnic lunches for your family for the after school picnic.

*Families are also asked to bring donations of bake sale items to be sold at a Journey School fundraiser.

Schedule of Events

8:30-9:45 AM: Wreath Making inside classroom

9:45 AM: Classes make their way to the May Pole on back field

10:00 AM: May Faire begins

  • Welcome (By Diana Corbo)
  • “Ode to Spring” read by Middle School student
  • 8th Grade Queen and King Selection
  • Grades 1-8 Dances
  • Closing remarks (By Gavin Keller)

11:30 AM: Lunch Blessing (By Robin Davis)

12:45 PM: School dismissal and All School Picnic