The Winter Spiral Walk: A Journey School Tradition

In the winter months, when sunlight wanes and the nights are long, festivals of lights are celebrated around the world. Among these events are the Hindu festival of Divali, the Fillipino Fiesta, the Jewish celebration of Chanukah, and the Christian celebration of Advent.

As we near the darkest days of the year, we feel the absence of light; and we patiently await its return. In our Winter Spiral Walk, each student walks a lush green path to light a candle in the center of a spiral. It is the celebration of quiet confidence, of carrying light in darkness, and of sharing our light with others. Spiral Walk is symbolic of the triumphant human spirit that shines in all of us.


Bless this candle burning bright, bless its shining in the night.  
Bless the boughs upon the ground, bless our path that spirals round.
Bless our step, so strong and stout, bless our winding in and out.

The 2016-17 Winter Spiral Walk Celebration

The Kindergarten children will walk the spiral outside with their parents in attendance on Wednesday, December 21st at 5:30. Spiral Walk for Grades 1-8 classes will be held in the MPR at scheduled times from December 19-21 during school hours.

Each student walks their candle–held in an apple–into the center of the spiral and lights it; then the child chooses a place for the candle and sets it along the path. The light brightens the path for those who come after. Each child walks alone, at his or her own pace, in his or her own way.

The teachers’ eyes, hands and hearts are watching carefully, so that this special experience is not only one of wonder and beauty, but also of safety. Please send your child to school wearing non-flowing clothes and have long hair tied back on the day of Spiral Walk. Look for information from your child’s teacher with further details about timing and volunteering for the event.

To read more about Journey School festivals and events that mark the passage of seasons and holidays, developmental milestones, and other significant moments, visit our Festivals page.