CAASPP Individual Student Results to be Available Soon

Journey Families will soon receive results from the new assessments students took last spring in grades 3-8. These new assessments are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, also referred to as CAASPP.

Students will receive an overall score as well as placement on one of four tiers: standard not met, standard nearly met, standard met, and standard exceeded. The assessments are aligned with new State content standards. Therefore, it should not be a surprise if fewer students scored within the top tiers on the testing spectrum. This does not mean that our students have fallen behind or learned less last year. It simply means that more is being expected of learners. Further Journey School recognizes that differences in the educational program and curriculum sequence may be reflected in scores, specifically in the lower grades. As students progress towards the exit outcomes in 8th grade, all Common Core standards from K-8 are eventually addressed and these variations will diminish.

Lastly, the new scores come from a brand new test, and therefore results cannot be compared to previous state assessments. Instead, these scores provide a baseline for the progress we expect students to make in the coming years. If you would like to learn more about the CAASPP program or the score report(s) you will be receiving, you can find additional resources at the following links:

Click here for the CA Department of Education Test & Accountability webpage.

Click here for the Parent’s Guide to understanding CAASPP Results.

This is an exciting and important step for Journey School. Thank you for being our partners in education.


Gavin Keller
School Director