What We’re Learning Now

Below you will find a snapshot of what students are learning during Main Lesson across most grades. Please return to our blog again as we cover all the grades and more topics.  Also, click here to learn more about the meaning of Main Lesson.

Grade 1:  Making Math Meaningful
First grade has entered the magical world of the counting gnomes! There is Portly Plus Addition, Milo Minus Subtraction, Tina Times Multiply, and Indy Into Divided By. A wise and kind leader, Queen Equalous, rules them. The students are learning what each gnome does and how they themselves can do it too! Students use jewels to add, subtract, multiply and divide. They are seeing patterns of all kinds in the numbers they are learning.

Grade 3:  “Money Matters”
During the current Main Lesson Math Block, students are exploring all aspects of money as well as measurement. Students launched the block by charting the history of money and experiencing trading and bartering personally.  Students worked together to determine the value of objects.  They also experienced first hand the importance of counting accurately and efficiently. Now that student motivation to learn has been raised through relevant experiences, we are adding and subtracting monetary amounts using all four processes. This block is full of collaborative and practical activities that guide the students’ understanding of important concepts.  You are encouraged to ask students to share favorite moments or highlights from class.

Grade 5:  Ancient Egypt
5th Grade students are currently exploring the Ancient Civilization of Egypt in Main Lesson. We are relating to the Egyptian quest in life to be kind, truthful, and just.  Students are engaged by the story of Osiris and Isis as well as the great pyramids, hieroglyphics, and the mummification process. What a peaceful and interesting culture! Since the ancient Egyptians were also amazing mathematicians, students are also surrounded by fractions and other important math concepts. We are multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting, and finding the simplest form of fractions. And, in Language Arts, we are focusing on organization within our writing. Organization is the internal structure of the piece, the thread of central meaning, the pattern of logic. It truly holds the piece together. Novel Groups resume in February. Most importantly, we continue to strive to live in good character, or as the Ancient Egyptians would say- with a heart full of light.

Grade 6:  “All Roads Lead to Rome”
The Sixth Grade students are currently exploring the history of Ancient Rome in Main Lesson. Aeneas has just fled with his son as the flames of Troy burn behind him. After many adventures he settled along the Tiber River in a place of seven hills. From kings to emperors, Rome’s legacy lives on in democratic representation in governing. Students are exploring what the phrase “all roads lead to Rome” is saying…both in its elevated meaning as well as the decadence that brought down this great empire.

Grade 8:  “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”
The 8th Grade is immersed in the Civil War, delving into the conflicts that divided North and South and learning about the issues that were so hotly debated. Inherent in this period of history is the struggle between the federal government and the rights of the individual states. The explosion of technological advances, and the rapid expansion of U. S. territory brought tremendous challenges to those in power. Were wise decisions made? The question of slavery, the forced removal of the Indians, and the compromises made because of political pressure has given the students much food for thought. We conclude our studies with the biography of Lincoln, consider the strengths and weaknesses of the generals in the war and close with Reconstruction and Segregation.