6th Grade Students are “Knighted”


6th Grade students are in the midst of the Middle Ages. Throughout the year, they’ve learned about knights, King Arthur’s Roundtable, the impact of Charlemagne’s reign, the role of the church in shaping daily lives, the concept of social stratification, the importance of literacy in historical context, and much more.

In typical Journey style, students have also experienced powerful hands-on lessons, including a rite of passage known as the Knighting Process. Students have completed community service projects, abundant home and school responsibilities, as well as physical challenges.

Tonight, students will take a twelve hour-long vow of silence to reflect on what it means to be a noble human being, just like knights of the past. Students will then camp in individual tents alone and emerge at dawn as stronger individuals committed to doing good in the world.

On Friday, students will spend the day in service to the campus, followed by a feast for the ages and a formal knighting ceremony.

Finally, their studies will culminate next week in a regional competition known asĀ Medieval Games–where students compete against hundreds of Waldorf students in the Javelin, Tug-of-War, Archery, Chariot Races, and much more! Next year, students’ world studies will lead them to Africa, through the Renaissance, and onto the Age of Exploration.