Lindsey Ponzo

Lindsey Ponzo

Miss Lindsey first came to Journey School as a Kindy parent in 2014. “I immediately fell in love with the beauty of the curriculum and knew it was a special place for my children.” She quickly got involved as room parent, Gala/Auction coordinator, and Events Chair on the Parent Cabinet executive board. In 2016, Miss Lindsey joined our staff as the 3rd Grade cooking teacher. She developed the curriculum, created a love of cooking, and built self reliance in our 3rd grade students for 4 years.

In 2021 Miss Lindsey became our Wildflower Hybrid Kindergarten teacher. “I knew Wildflower was the class I was destined to lead. I love being with the students during our class time and working with the parents/families as they continue their work at home.”

Lindsey has her BA in Anthropology from University of California, LA. She is completing her teaching credential with UMASS Global (previously Brandman University). Lindsey is a Southern California native who loves the beach and the beauty of being outdoors year round. Her three children attend Journey School and love the school as deeply as she does. “I always thought that I was brought to Journey School for my children, but what I realize now is that it was for me as much as for them.”