Interview with Mr. Shaheer on Charter Schools


March 25, 2014

 What are public charter schools? 

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools.  Charters are allowed to be innovative so long as they deliver positive educational results. In essence, charters expand the “learning menu” for children in exchange for keeping important promises to the public.

How do charter schools operate financially?  

Charters are funded with public dollars, based on the number of students they serve as well as their socioeconomic backgrounds.  Autonomous school boards and authorizing entities hold charter schools accountable financially.

What do they pay to school districts?

Charters are at a significant financial disadvantage. Unlike traditional schools, charters must “pay out of pocket” for high expenses including rent and Special Education. Additionally, the cost of running innovative educational programs is high. At Journey, for instance, our emphasis is on relationship-based education and the arts as per the Waldorf philosophy. This means we need roughly double the dollars for small class sizes, expensive musical instruments and art supplies, and specialized instructors.

So, how do we make financial ends meet?

First, we trim budgetary fat.  Second, we target spending on what matters most in creative, smart ways.  Third, we don’t rely upon the State for financial support.  Instead, we take matters into our own hands.  For example, Journey’s dedicated Parent Cabinet engages in year round and mission-aligned fundraising efforts.  Also, Journey’s non-profit foundation supports the students through grant writing, soliciting donations, building community partnerships, running a store, etc. In the end, we do whatever it takes to get the job done for kids.

What educational standards are learned?  

Journey is required to meet all State and Federal education standards. In addition, Journey must meet additional student achievement goals established by our specific charter contract. In this way, Journey achieves rigorous educational standards from both an internal and external standpoint, including:  state tests, portfolios, plays, physical fitness challenges, musical performances, art displays, and interdisciplinary projects.

How is curriculum decided? 

All curricular offerings align to goals contained in the district-approved Journey School Curricular Co-Alignment.  This document details when each standard is learned through the grades. Teachers then use the co-alignment to design and sequence meaningful learning experiences for students.  Along the way, they employ research-based strategies and continuously refine their practice without settling.

How do we hire teachers?

We respect teachers as the educational experts.  Teachers are empowered to teach the standards in creative and inspiring ways.  We hold teachers accountable for teaching the written curriculum with fidelity and excellence 10 out of 10 days.  Next to keeping kids safe, hiring is the most important organizational priority; and, landing a teaching job at Journey is no easy task. First, teachers must meet stringent requirements, including State credentialing and Waldorf certification. Second, qualified candidates pass through a series of site-based interviews led by a joint committee of stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and administrators.  Finalists must then conduct at least one live teaching demonstration. Once hired, teacher candidates then design a professional development plan in collaboration with mentors and start working on getting better even stepping foot into the classroom.